Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Nephew!!!!

Isn't he just too freaking cute!!!!  I could not get enough of him yesterday!  Sure he got fussy at times, but it really didn't bother me any.  I have a couple of videos that I might post.  We will see.  Might do some pics on flickr.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Well now

This is Cyrus  (I know; it's a bad name isn't it?) and he will be Isabella's new beau.  He's staying here until my parents come get him.  I think he's great!
I am going to be in my brother-in-law's wedding in a few months.  I've never been a bride's maid before...
I need to clean, do laundry, etc etc.  I am lazy.
I find myself (as I often do) wishing I was more witty...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Welcome to The Sims 2.  You can see Death there.  I am not sure why he decided to use "the basement" after killing the two girls who lived in the house.
Then there is the punk getting sprayed by a skunk (Hint: skunks do not like being watched.  They hiss and stuff like a cat apparently).
Then there is the penguin talking to the snowman about...math?
Then the ninja eating a Pop-Tart through her ninja mask.
Yeah, I am really messed up in the head, and jealous of Torrim's wit.