Monday, January 21, 2013

An old friend died...

Life is so bloody short. An old college friend and her husband died in an accident Saturday. Their daughter who is my son's age survived and is physically okay. It appears they didn't see that the semi in front of them had stopped on the interstate.
I'm really bothered by this because we had been pretty good friends for a while. But we drifted apart, and though that happens to all of us, I have let it happen with all of my friends. All but Lance, but that is a story for another day.
After I got word about Michelle, I texted my two closest friends (besides Lance) to let them know I loved them and was glad they are a part if my life. It's truly sad because one of which it has been close to two years since I have seen. The other I had seen more recently but it has still been months and was even longer before that. Why do we allow this to happen? Is it just me? I am quite socially awkward.
I am so jealous of the social lives of my old friends. How do I get back into that sort of thing? I want back into my old friends' lives but it just doesn't seem possible. It's easier to feel welcome when you see someone on a regular basis. Now that I don't work I don't see anyone but my kids. I haven't been seeing or talking to my mom as much (long story, for another day) and I just feel out of touch with the world.
I've turned Michelle's death into a pity party on myself. I'm sorry. I was thinking I would like to go to the funeral if it isn't private or at least the viewing (or wake. I am not sure the difference). Maybe with someone else who also knew her (which my husband went to high school with her, I actually met them at the same time, but they didn't get along so he won't want to go).

Friday, January 18, 2013


Just look at these beauties! The two closest to the camera are my black copper marans eggs. They're not as dark as I'd like but I'm sure I can breed them darker. The male is the one who passes that gene though. These are from yesterday, I'm about to pull today's from the coop in a bit.

It didn't snow

It was supposed to snow today. We had a bit of sleet, maybe a snowflake or two. Friends in Tuscaloosa got full coverage this morning that was gone by late afternoon. Oh southern winter, you fickle beast.
Have a couple of pictures for your viewing pleasure. The first being the husband and son doing a Star Wars puzzle together. I love when they have something they can enjoy together.
The second is my chickens looking like drowned rats in this rain. Also I got two marans eggs today! I'll have a picture for you tomorrow. It's too late today and I've got some kids who will not stay asleep.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Catching up

Well, it's been a little while. But I've promised myself I would post more.
I've got 10 chickens and am quite looking forward to this season's chicks. Husband isn't. ;)
One of my favorites is my black copper marans rooster. He is beautiful. His name is Gendry and he is a very sweet boy.
We also have an aquatic turtle now, a female yellow belly slider named MJ. Got her from a fellow Chattahooligan. She's just a lot of fun to watch, just like the fish.
Speaking of fish, I finally got Drake a bubble-eye goldfish. But right away the fish's bubbles got popped. I found him stuck to the filter and had to come up with a way to stop that from happening again. I took out all decor, including rocks (which are part of the biofilter, now I have to keep a better eye on levels >_<), and put panty hose on the filter tube. His bubbles are growing back fairly well. I won't make that mistake again. Oh, and Drake named him George. He seems to like that name.
Not sure what else to update you guys on. Not like I have any avid readers anyway :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

I know it's been a while

I am going to try to update more now that we have moved and have internet again.  It's been, what, a year and a half since the tornado?  Deliah was only two months old then.  She is now 20 months old and is talking up a storm.  She is my darling sweet baby and big brother Drake adores her.  I also now have eleven chickens, though at one time I had fifteen.  One black copper marans rooster who is about six months old and is a doll, three of his doting ladies (same age), two black stars, two gold stars, two australorps, and one of the original six, a rhode island red.  I had three more bcms (two girls and another roo) but a hawk got them.  I also had a kick ass silkie bantam rooster but he disappeared when I was in Chicago a few weeks ago.  Quite sad about that.  He was awesome, though quite skittish, being the smallest.  While looking for a picture of him, I realize that I may have lost a bunch of pictures while transferring them to the computer.  If so this is quite a tragic loss, because they're just gone.  Hopefully I've just misplaced them somewhere on the computer...
Anyway, I have caught quite a cold recently and am in some pain so I am done on the computer for now.  I will try to update again later.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sweet babies

Life may be more complicated, but it is much sweeter with these two following me around!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Here we are playing catch up! I thought that since I have a lap top and can connect to wi-fi that I would be able to post more. This is not so! I did not factor in the children. :) Well, let's catch up then!

This picture to the left here is about an hour or so before I gave birth to the little miss, now Little Miss Sunshine. :) Her given name is Deliah Eve (not De Li Lah but Dee Lee Ah). She is often called Sunshine, Dee, Little Bit. I'm still on the fence as to what we'll call her.

Isn't she just a doll baby?! Just look at that lip! She was born at 11:56 AM on 17 February 2011. It was an incredibly easy birth. I was induced (short story, started to have swelling, headaches, Doc suggested to go ahead and go for it) at 7:30 AM. She has been such a wonderful baby too!!!

Drake just adores her, and she adores him! They are so cute together.

The tornado on 27 April took out my childhood home that we had just moved into. Scariest moment, and I will never forget it. I'm devastated. To say the least. Also it was under-insured, and FEMA won't help because I was "renting" from my mom. >_<

We do have chickens though.