Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Catching up

Well, it's been a little while. But I've promised myself I would post more.
I've got 10 chickens and am quite looking forward to this season's chicks. Husband isn't. ;)
One of my favorites is my black copper marans rooster. He is beautiful. His name is Gendry and he is a very sweet boy.
We also have an aquatic turtle now, a female yellow belly slider named MJ. Got her from a fellow Chattahooligan. She's just a lot of fun to watch, just like the fish.
Speaking of fish, I finally got Drake a bubble-eye goldfish. But right away the fish's bubbles got popped. I found him stuck to the filter and had to come up with a way to stop that from happening again. I took out all decor, including rocks (which are part of the biofilter, now I have to keep a better eye on levels >_<), and put panty hose on the filter tube. His bubbles are growing back fairly well. I won't make that mistake again. Oh, and Drake named him George. He seems to like that name.
Not sure what else to update you guys on. Not like I have any avid readers anyway :)

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