Monday, November 5, 2012

I know it's been a while

I am going to try to update more now that we have moved and have internet again.  It's been, what, a year and a half since the tornado?  Deliah was only two months old then.  She is now 20 months old and is talking up a storm.  She is my darling sweet baby and big brother Drake adores her.  I also now have eleven chickens, though at one time I had fifteen.  One black copper marans rooster who is about six months old and is a doll, three of his doting ladies (same age), two black stars, two gold stars, two australorps, and one of the original six, a rhode island red.  I had three more bcms (two girls and another roo) but a hawk got them.  I also had a kick ass silkie bantam rooster but he disappeared when I was in Chicago a few weeks ago.  Quite sad about that.  He was awesome, though quite skittish, being the smallest.  While looking for a picture of him, I realize that I may have lost a bunch of pictures while transferring them to the computer.  If so this is quite a tragic loss, because they're just gone.  Hopefully I've just misplaced them somewhere on the computer...
Anyway, I have caught quite a cold recently and am in some pain so I am done on the computer for now.  I will try to update again later.