Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Video games post

As some of you may or may not know, the husband and I finally traded the Wii for a 360.  It wasn't because we didn't like the Wii.  The Wii is more of a party type of system and we have no friends in Savannah to play with.  The 360 however is nice for playing with people who are not sitting beside you (X-Box Live) but you can still talk to them while you play.  I play Uno with my friend Lance.  It's quite amusing because he always says "UNO!" when the game does.  Then there is this game, Viva Pinata.  I know it sounds like a child's game (it probably is) but it's a lot like another game on the DS I like, Animal Crossing (which I haven't played in probably over a year...).  You raise and breed Pinatas on Pinata Island and send them to parties.  I love the way one of the characters talks...

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