Saturday, January 31, 2009

Halfway there!!!

I am 20 weeks now, which is really hard for me to believe.  I mean I just don't feel pregnant.  Sure, I had the morning sickness, among other symptoms.  But those could all be from something else!  Okay, I haven't had a period since August.  I don't miss it.  But I have cramps just the same, as if I was having one (growing pains).  And yes, I am blowing up like a ballon.  And I look at it in amazement every day because I don't feel pregnant.  I'm starting to feel him kick, which I find myself pushing it off as gas bubbles or something and I have to remind myself that it's my child.  I don't know how to feel pregnant.  It comes as a shock every day.  I have to remind myself.  Ah, well.  Pictures to come later.

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