Sunday, January 4, 2009


For not posting in a while (though I haven't had any complaints ;).  I'm on week 16 and one week from tomorrow I will know the sex of my Peanut.  The husband has been especially loving this week.  I'm showing more, and cannot fit into anything smaller than a small anymore.  And jeans (other than my maternity ones) are a no.  Other than that it is life as usual.  Working.  Sleeping (a lot).  Eating (though I suppose more than I used to).  As far as weight goes, I don't know if I have gained or not!  I do remember being (on the work scale) about 118 or 119.  Now it says 124.  So it's not much.  The scale we have at home doesn't vary much.  119 or 120.  We weigh every week with the pictures and it doesn't change at all.  I'm not expecting a dramatic change, but we've been weighing since before Thanksgiving.  Or is it even further back?  Well, I am looking forward (sort of) to the coming weeks/months.  I will get bigger and I imagine I will have trouble with things but I fear not (yet).  March brings seeing Jeff Dunham in Chattanooga.  April brings Bugapaluza (I will be 7 months?!) and I can't even begin to imagine how big I will be there.  Won't be able to do much other than sell tee shirts (if that!).  Not even a hint of 50-50 tickets this year!!!  I was glad to give it to someone else last year.  Not much else to say really.  I'm going to get some of my coveted sleep now!!!  ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I'm going to have to update my blog list with your newer addy! This is so cool with both of us being preggo! =-)
