Sunday, June 7, 2009

Another lazy day watching 16 Candles

And feeling The Little Man in the belly pushing with all his little might on the side of my abdomen.
I am two days past my original due date.  Course I am still two weeks from the one they gave at the first ultrasound.
Course that doesn't stop me from being ready to meet The Little Man.
Oh my.
I cannot wait to stop working.  Course we'll see what happens down the road.  I'll probably be begging to go back.  We'll see.
The weird thing is I'm already off the schedule.  They've got me replaced (as best they can) and I'm just there.  I'm worried about tomorrow.  I fear there will be too many of us there.  And I'll get sent home or some other bull like that.  But then, I guess it won't bother me so bad, but the money would be nice.
I've got to finish the husband's cookies.  And laundry.  I'm so ready for My Little Man.

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