and probably won't for a while. so, what is new with drake? well, let's see. we will be 4 months on oct 15. right now we have 2 teeth and counting. we can roll over both ways, laugh, smile at everything, chew on anything and everything (fingers are most favorite), raspberry (most favorite thing to do!!!), reach for and grab things (his shirt and legs are a favorite), scream for fun, stand supported, etc. he has passed a toy to his other hand once. he also wants to sit up so bad but can't yet. he has lots of toys. his favorites are monkey man, lamby lamb, eyore, tigger, and a crinkley pooh book. what else? oh, we're about 14 lbs now. next doc appointment is the 26th so we'll see how tall he is but i know it will be very! he just grows and grows!!!!! here is a picture taken a couple weeks ago. he is too cute!!!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
no internets
and probably won't for a while. so, what is new with drake? well, let's see. we will be 4 months on oct 15. right now we have 2 teeth and counting. we can roll over both ways, laugh, smile at everything, chew on anything and everything (fingers are most favorite), raspberry (most favorite thing to do!!!), reach for and grab things (his shirt and legs are a favorite), scream for fun, stand supported, etc. he has passed a toy to his other hand once. he also wants to sit up so bad but can't yet. he has lots of toys. his favorites are monkey man, lamby lamb, eyore, tigger, and a crinkley pooh book. what else? oh, we're about 14 lbs now. next doc appointment is the 26th so we'll see how tall he is but i know it will be very! he just grows and grows!!!!! here is a picture taken a couple weeks ago. he is too cute!!!!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Introducing Drake Emmett

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Another lazy day watching 16 Candles
And feeling The Little Man in the belly pushing with all his little might on the side of my abdomen.
I am two days past my original due date. Course I am still two weeks from the one they gave at the first ultrasound.
Course that doesn't stop me from being ready to meet The Little Man.
Oh my.
I cannot wait to stop working. Course we'll see what happens down the road. I'll probably be begging to go back. We'll see.
The weird thing is I'm already off the schedule. They've got me replaced (as best they can) and I'm just there. I'm worried about tomorrow. I fear there will be too many of us there. And I'll get sent home or some other bull like that. But then, I guess it won't bother me so bad, but the money would be nice.
I've got to finish the husband's cookies. And laundry. I'm so ready for My Little Man.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Why am I updating?
Because there is nothing better to do and I really should go to bed. I'm having pains. I think it's false labor. It stops when I lay down. Unfortunately I cannot lay down at work, so I end up being in pain practically all day. I get up to get away from the computer every once in a while and talk to my favorite coworkers (techs and assistants in the back). I was told today by my dad that when I call him or my ma to first say that its not THE CALL if I'm not in labor yet. They're excited and ready to jump in the car and head down here. Talking to him today he was watching a guy walk a little rat that passes for a dog these days. It was so little the curb was taller. Two pounds at most. I like small dogs (certain breeds really. Poodles and Yorkies....ew.) but that tiny and it's a freaking rat that yips. Give me a fat, snorting little Pug. Maybe even a Pekingese or a Shih-Tzu. Even better! An English or a French Bulldog! Speaking of, Bella is about to go into heat again. Time for them to get their AI on. Woo! I'll update you guys tomorrow after my appointment. Maybe I'll have dilated more since I've been having all these weird pains that maybe are false labor....
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Full Term!
The little man is now considered full term (37 weeks). Which is good, considering that I'm at 75% effacement and 1 cm dilated as of last Tuesday's appointment. My next appointment is Wednesday. Starting Thursday I won't be on the schedule at work but I'll keep showing up so long as I'm not having any problems. They're trying to see if they'll run into any problems and see if the schedule needs tuning. We'll I guess it's time to get back to cleaning and packing. This house will be ready for my boy and for my parents to come.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
^_^ An Update
Yes yes yes.
33 weeks. Had the birthing class today. Wasn't so bad. I put the bassinet together. Now the only thing is keeping Bruce out of it. We were laying in bed last night and kept hearing the mobile's music start up by it self for a second. After a few times of that I had a thought and turned the light on. Sure enough, the cat hopped out of the bassinet and took off, knowing he was in the wrong. I don't want him thinking he can just jump in there! There isn't really a whole lot else that's new. Things are progressing as normal, I guess. I have some Braxton Hicks sometimes. I leak colostrum sometimes. No problems at all. I miss my parents a lot and do want to go back to Chatty now. I don't have that much time left so I don't mind waiting. Besides, I will miss some people down here. Tomorrow I'm going to start washing baby clothes! I'm excited about that! Not sure, really, where I'll put it after that. Especially since we really have no room for our own clothes! We have too many clothes, even though I've packed up most of my pre-pregnancy stuff. Right now I am REALLY craving a caffeine free Coke. It's from the garlic that was on my Vinnie's pizza....
Sunday, April 5, 2009
On various
I have slacked off on a couple of things lately (exercise and vitamins...oops) and now I believe I am paying for it. I am having more back pain and there is a pain in my neck that has been there a couple of days now. I need to get back on the ball!
I never really thought of myself having those pregnancy hormones where I just end up crying for no reason. Until now. I think it started when I was in Chattanooga recently. I spent and evening with my parents and it was nice, but I suddenly realized my friends had moved on. Things are going to change for me, and quickly. It's almost like when I first moved to Savannah and was very homesick. Last night I was going through some baby clothes my sister in law gave me and I came across some cute stuff and the tears tried to come as I cooed over some to the husband. I also came across several of the pinstripe overalls, a la train conductor style. The tears almost broke through that time (my grandfather had a pair of those he wore sometimes. I do miss him a lot).
Still don't really have a name for Peanut. When the husband asked last night what we're going to name him (this is a nightly thing: what? who? when? where? and his favorite: why?) I replied "Peanut" and he said we are not going to pull a Sean Penn. ^_^ Why not? Over the years I have thought Drake would be our son's name. But with reality hitting me like a brick I know that's not a name I'd want him to live with. Dante isn't so bad though. I really like it.
Picture will be coming soon. We've skipped a few weeks (oops) but we're trying to catch up. While I'm getting bigger we really should take them but I really am starting to dislike that outfit we had picked out to take them in. More so the shirt than the pants. Though the pants do make my thighs and ass look huge...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Bigger and bigger

Saturday, March 7, 2009
Time to get in gear
I have a little over 3 months left. We have to get in gear! There is a baby class I want to take, a breast feeding class, and of course the free tour of the delivery suite. We also need to register for what we need! One of the girls at work wants to throw a baby shower early April. I will next be in Chatty mid-April. I was thinking if my Chatty girls want to meet up then, it can be done Friday April 17 sometime. But that's of course assuming they want or have the time to meet up!
Ah, well...
We shall see what may come...
Friday, February 27, 2009
My word
What are we going to register for?
What do we really need?
A crib is obvious. So are bottles, but I think we're getting those from the sister in law. Diapers and clothes (course all the books say not to register for clothes because people will get clothes they think are cute anyway) are more obvious. Toys come later. Hmm...
On a less serious note, it is nice enough to have the windows open a little. My cat is afraid of the open windows! I think it may be the semi trucks going by that scare him, but he sits away from the window and watches or he hides in his room. I figured he'd be curious and want to sit by the window...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
It's not all bad
I know my last post was very negative (one more to add: I want to sleep on my back again!!) but this one is (mostly) positive. I am very happy with my dear hubby. We have been together for 6 years now and are happier than ever. Sure, we've only been married (almost) two years but they've been wonderful. We're going to have our first child in four months. I can feel him kicking even as I type these words. I still cannot believe it really. He'll be here before we know it.
Also, I got lots of new yarn. It's 100 % cotton and I am really loving it! Except my nails might be too long. They're digging in to my palms...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Cravings and things I miss
I really miss soda. Not the caffeine mind you, but Coke and Pepsi...I crave that more than the diet soda's. I crave that more than food actually. It's better for me that I drink water, so mostly I do. But every once in a while I get a Caffeine Free Coke. And it's soooo gooood!
I sometimes crave mixed drinks. I know better of course!
I do miss being able to take medicine. I know there are some that I can take, but I usually don't. I chose laying in a dark room when I have a headache rather than take Tylenol if I can. But I can't put steroid cream on a bug bite. I am forced to watch what I do, what I touch, what I eat. I miss being more careless...
I miss having energy! I am sleepy when 8 or 9 pm rolls around, where I used to be able to stay up all night and still be fine. I don't even have energy on my day off! I end up laying in bed all day when I've got things to do!
I miss my jeans!
I'm craving Stingray's right now. But just that crab thing I like there.
I miss being coherent! I don't think well; I forget things. I'm off balance! I bump into things and people. I have trouble getting in and out of the car.
And I just keep thinking...
All this is just going to get worse!!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
So since I am being kicked from the inside, maybe I do feel more pregnant. Most of my clientele still don't know...So I guess I am not that big...
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Halfway there!!!
I am 20 weeks now, which is really hard for me to believe. I mean I just don't feel pregnant. Sure, I had the morning sickness, among other symptoms. But those could all be from something else! Okay, I haven't had a period since August. I don't miss it. But I have cramps just the same, as if I was having one (growing pains). And yes, I am blowing up like a ballon. And I look at it in amazement every day because I don't feel pregnant. I'm starting to feel him kick, which I find myself pushing it off as gas bubbles or something and I have to remind myself that it's my child. I don't know how to feel pregnant. It comes as a shock every day. I have to remind myself. Ah, well. Pictures to come later.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
By the way

I am having a boy. It took me by surprise, I was expecting a girl. The husband is not convinced, but I am. It's plain as day! I actually noticed it at the beginning of the ultrasound and my heart started to race...
Anyway, all seems to be fine, healthy. I appear to be growing a basketball in my abdomen. So lately the only clothes I can wear are maternity and some of the husband's shirts. It's getting pretty cold down here. Was supposed to be in the teens last night. Honestly we're not used to this. Sure, it's colder in Chatty, but we've been down here over a year. I like how warm it usually is! I was really enjoying the 80 degree January weather before this cold front!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Almost there
Monday morning I find out what I am carrying. I'm excited. I really am not sure what else to say. I am 17 weeks (woo hoo) so I am almost half way there, but as one of my favorite clients said, you can't even tell I'm pregnant in my scrubs. Especially not 4 1/2 months pregnant! Half way to having the kid. Once Monday is over, it's time to start registering and figuring out what to do from there. I need to take classes! Oh well...
Sunday, January 4, 2009
For not posting in a while (though I haven't had any complaints ;). I'm on week 16 and one week from tomorrow I will know the sex of my Peanut. The husband has been especially loving this week. I'm showing more, and cannot fit into anything smaller than a small anymore. And jeans (other than my maternity ones) are a no. Other than that it is life as usual. Working. Sleeping (a lot). Eating (though I suppose more than I used to). As far as weight goes, I don't know if I have gained or not! I do remember being (on the work scale) about 118 or 119. Now it says 124. So it's not much. The scale we have at home doesn't vary much. 119 or 120. We weigh every week with the pictures and it doesn't change at all. I'm not expecting a dramatic change, but we've been weighing since before Thanksgiving. Or is it even further back? Well, I am looking forward (sort of) to the coming weeks/months. I will get bigger and I imagine I will have trouble with things but I fear not (yet). March brings seeing Jeff Dunham in Chattanooga. April brings Bugapaluza (I will be 7 months?!) and I can't even begin to imagine how big I will be there. Won't be able to do much other than sell tee shirts (if that!). Not even a hint of 50-50 tickets this year!!! I was glad to give it to someone else last year. Not much else to say really. I'm going to get some of my coveted sleep now!!! ^_^
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