Friday, September 26, 2008

Now for some hard core ranting.

This is what really pisses me off.  Now this isn't aimed at all smokers.  I know some decent smokers.  This is for the ones who just plain don't care about anything.  They just flick their cigarette anywhere.  No regard for our environment.  No regard for people's property.  That's the hood of my Jetta.  My GLI.  Look how far down it burned on my car!  Now as to how this happened, I have a few ideas.  One is that someone deliberately lit a cigarette and placed it on my car.  Now the person who told me it was there could have put it there or she could be right about who's cigarette it is.  I don't know.  It could have been flicked over the fence and just happen to land on my car.  A person driving down the road could have flicked it out the window and it land on my car.  I don't know.
What is pretty funny is that as soon as someone saw me go through, holding the cigarette, she said it might be hers and the wind might have blown it on my car.  I didn't say anything to her about it first.  So I went to the boss lass and told her what happened.  Told her what chick said.  So she talked to chick, and now it's about whether chick's chap-stick is on the filter.  Whatever.  Check out this scorch mark that will never come out.

Here is a very cute kitten.  
And here is my cat, once again, in a strange sleeping position.  Strange cat...

Thursday, September 25, 2008


This is very true for me.  :(

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Instead of knitting, I am going to play the Sims.  I am doing this because I think I might get some knitting done next weekend while at the in-laws.  Can't read my book there.  I know the shitith will hitith the fan...ith.  My tattoo, plus this is the last of the children to get married.  Something has to go wrong I think.  But the major blowout will be over my tattoo.  Oh well, I've had it for years.  And the bride doesn't care that it will show.  Course it isn't the bride I am worried about.  She's cool.  Ah, I don't care.  Off to the Sims!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Welly Welly Welly Well

(Sorry, seeing Malcolm McDowell in Heroes last night got Lit'l Alex in my head)
It appears that I have extreme difficulty updating my blog daily.
Thing I have been thinking about:
* "The Usual"
* Comic books - there is one I have been searching for but can't remember the name of.  It is always at the tip of my tongue.  I know the title is the same as the name of the main character, and they're elves.  He had white hair.  The one I had also had a talking river rat.  Not sure why I want to find it so bad; maybe nostalgia.
* Yarn and projects: I wish I was as committed as some.  I just don't have the drive (or maybe it's that I don't have the time?).  I don't know.  Maybe I play too many video games.  Point is I have barely started the blanket and I have been working on my mom's scarf for a long time.
* Speaking of video games, we've pre-ordered Fable II.  Course we didn't play Fable, but that doesn't mean we didn't want to.  I am interested in the fact that your character's physical appearance changes with your actions (i.e. you do bad things you grow horns or whatnot).
* Home.  I miss it.   A lot.
* Medieval festival Saturday!  Very excited about that.

Oh and

* I really, really love my husband.  I don't mean to be sappy here, but I just don't know what I would do without him.  He means everything to me.  I am very happy.

Friday, September 19, 2008


I know I haven't posted (I am sure I heard you complaining! HA HA HA) but I do have some pictures to load up.  Plus I am going to my pet sitting job soon and maybe I will get some pictures of the dogs.  I do need to get some much needed Sims time in.  Maybe some Oblivion.  But I doubt it because once the husband gets home I can only assume we'll be going to Wal*Mart.  Maybe I can talk him into some lunch with a friend...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wabbit needs home

This sweet little bun bun was dropped off the other day.  He really is a sweetie and I would have loved to get to know him better.  He needs a home though.  He is a neutered male.  I forget what breed he is, something like flop eared or something.  Comes with lots of stuff like food, cages, huts, treats, etc.  Some one take this sweet man!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Welcome To Another Edition...

Of Bruce Wayne in Weird Sleeping Positions.
This week: Hanging with the Vee Dubs!
Though since he woke up, would this be considered a sleeping position?
He also rolled over so I could get his other side.  Strange cat.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

No updates

Sorry for no updates within the last two days.  I haven't even really be on the computer.  In a funk, really, thinking about Chattanooga, old friends, among other things.  I have a couple of girls here I consider friends but we are all so busy.
When I was in Chatty I had a friend that I would see almost every day.  In our downtime, after work, or whatnot, we'd just hang out, play video games, whatever.  I really miss that.
There is an old friend who lives right down the street from me now.  I never hear from him, never see him.  True he doesn't have a car, but still!  He is busy as well and has his own life to tend to.
Gee I am whiney.  Blah.
I am going back to cleaning/knitting/reading/whatever...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I hate it when...

something really funny happens and I say "Oh!  I've got to remember that!" and then I can't remember what it was!  Drives me crazy!
I have alpacas and yarn on the brain.  For some odd reason I really want to have an alpaca and make yarn from its fur!  Why????
Yarn, yarn, yarn...
I'm crazy.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I has a sad!

I have not gotten ANY knitting done!
I hate the new system at work and I hope it dies a horrible death!
I want to see my parents and friends in Chatty!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New things suck

Sometimes anyway.
We have installed a new system at work and so far I have had to fix it just about every day we've had it!!!  It is so frustrating.  And exhausting because I feel like I have been baby sitting again, except this time it's both a person AND a computer!  I almost feel like I really am needing an eye in the back of my head.  "Now don't you do that!"  "Stop that!"  "Don't do that, do this!"  GAH!  I am so tired!  Don't get me wrong, she is a big help answering the phones and such and the new system is better with credit cards (if we input the correct total) but certain things just bug me.
To other things, we now have our Hound Dog back so he needs a home people!  He really is the sweetest man!  Good with children!  He isn't on yet, but our (meaning Rincon's Unwanted Furry Friends) site does have the kitties we sponsor right now.

Monday, September 8, 2008


I am posting really quick before I get to knitting.
My cat is being uber attention whore right now.  He comes in the bedroom around 5 or 6 AM just meowing and if I don't wake up and pet him he will put his front legs on me and lie down or he will find my hand and just rub his head in it.  Weird cat.
Anyway!  I am very close to finishing my mom's scarf.  I have started one of the squares for the blanket.  I need to get the scarf finished then I can fully focus attention on my blanket.  It will be fun.  Other than that I seem to be having some major David Tennant withdrawals.  The Doctor will suit me fine if there would any on.  But for now, David in a kilt will do nicely.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A post a day...

I know I say this a lot, but I do really mean to this time.  I will try to get a post in once a day.  Whether it be to complain, to show off my yarn/projects, to lust over something, whatever!  I will try, try, try.
Ye be warned, however.  I am quite boring (as you can probably already tell) and not very witty.  These posts may drive you mad.
Oh, look!  Camo yarn!

I am knitting today.  No video games (though Oblivion is truly calling my name right now).  I've watched The Mummy twice already.  Batman is on right now.
Right now I've got a couple projects going.  This little guy is going to be  a square to the blanket I have decided to make.  A patchwork afghan-type-blanket-thing.
This shows one of the camouflage pieces that will be in it.  This is south Georgia, you know.  Because the piece is so small, however, it will look stripy, not the pooling camo we all know.  So I will have to make a bigger piece to get the effect I want.

I went to this thrift store down the street from my house the other day and got some yarn there for $2.  I am going back again on Friday for more.  The blanket I plan on making will include a camouflage piece in respect to my good friend Lance.  Not sure why he likes camo, but when I said camo yarn he said I had to buy it.  I had a basket so I put the yarn balls in it.  I might have taken this hobby (I am a hobby whore by the way) quite farther than the other hobbies...
Oh yes, and I have even thought of dying my own yarn once the husband makes lots of money.  Raising alpacas (Wes would love that) and dying and spinning my own yarn.  It's as much as a useless dream as my darkroom one. Le sigh...
Like I said, lusting...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Why am I like this?

Right now I am in such a bad mood.  Not that I want to talk about work all the time but I must get it out some how.  Anyway, we're installing a new processing system, so we not only had Regina and I, and the occasional tech bringing up paperwork, there were two other guys, and they took up an entire computer.  I was annoyed by it, but I wasn't upset yet at this point.  I felt confined and ill though.  One of those guys left, which made it better.  But the other guy was showing Regina how to fix a mistake because she had made one.  Well, in fixing her mistake, he made an even bigger one that I could not fix without calling the owner!  And when we found out his mistake, it was long after he had left.  I was so mad at him!  So he not only screwed up, but taught Regina wrong!  I could freaking do the guy's job!  I just don't have any patience right now for stupid mistakes.  I have to be very civil tomorrow since he is coming back.  But I have learned how to be civil anyway because of people I work with (one of whom by the way is not only smoking while pregnant but drinking too!).  I fear though it is getting harder and harder to be civil...

And another thing!  I AM NOT HELPLESS!  If I hear "you don't need to be doing that" one more time I will flip out.  Also, if you don't want me to be doing it, then effing react!  Sure that dog was a DOA, but we didn't know that at the time.  And yes, I hesitated - and RVT was standing there.  She really should have been the one to asses the dog's condition.  But she didn't move (because she was acting as office manager at that time?  Or because she was in her nice silk shirt?), so I did.  Sometimes time is a factor as to whether an animal lives or dies.  So it's not like I didn't give her (or another receptionist) a chance to get her first.  Lets see if we get a memo about it.  Oh and thanks to my informant for letting me know...
Oh well, something good about today....


There has to be something good about today!

I know!  The bird!  Calypso!  Cool bird!  It was a blue and gold macaw.  Must be the biggest and coolest bird I have encountered in my career (domestic anyway-we have had certain wild raptors come through).  It would say "What does a rooster say?" and you were supposed to crow.  But I wouldn't crow, even being a Peter Pan fan.  Thinking now, not sure why I wouldn't.  But when I asked it what a rooster says, he crowed!  He was really neat, I couldn't get enough.  Oh and here is a picture of what it looked like!