Ye be warned, however. I am quite boring (as you can probably already tell) and not very witty. These posts may drive you mad.
Oh, look! Camo yarn!

Right now I've got a couple projects going. This little guy is going to be a square to the blanket I have decided to make. A patchwork afghan-type-blanket-thing.
This shows one of the camouflage pieces that will be in it. This is south Georgia, you know. Because the piece is so small, however, it will look stripy, not the pooling camo we all know. So I will have to make a bigger piece to get the effect I want.
I went to this thrift store down the street from my house the other day and got some yarn there for $2. I am going back again on Friday for more. The blanket I plan on making will include a camouflage piece in respect to my good friend Lance. Not sure why he likes camo, but when I said camo yarn he said I had to buy it. I had a basket so I put the yarn balls in it. I might have taken this hobby (I am a hobby whore by the way) quite farther than the other hobbies...
Oh yes, and I have even thought of dying my own yarn once the husband makes lots of money. Raising alpacas (Wes would love that) and dying and spinning my own yarn. It's as much as a useless dream as my darkroom one. Le sigh...
Like I said, lusting...
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