Friday, September 26, 2008

Now for some hard core ranting.

This is what really pisses me off.  Now this isn't aimed at all smokers.  I know some decent smokers.  This is for the ones who just plain don't care about anything.  They just flick their cigarette anywhere.  No regard for our environment.  No regard for people's property.  That's the hood of my Jetta.  My GLI.  Look how far down it burned on my car!  Now as to how this happened, I have a few ideas.  One is that someone deliberately lit a cigarette and placed it on my car.  Now the person who told me it was there could have put it there or she could be right about who's cigarette it is.  I don't know.  It could have been flicked over the fence and just happen to land on my car.  A person driving down the road could have flicked it out the window and it land on my car.  I don't know.
What is pretty funny is that as soon as someone saw me go through, holding the cigarette, she said it might be hers and the wind might have blown it on my car.  I didn't say anything to her about it first.  So I went to the boss lass and told her what happened.  Told her what chick said.  So she talked to chick, and now it's about whether chick's chap-stick is on the filter.  Whatever.  Check out this scorch mark that will never come out.

Here is a very cute kitten.  
And here is my cat, once again, in a strange sleeping position.  Strange cat...

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