Right now I am in such a bad mood. Not that I want to talk about work all the time but I must get it out some how. Anyway, we're installing a new processing system, so we not only had Regina and I, and the occasional tech bringing up paperwork, there were two other guys, and they took up an entire computer. I was annoyed by it, but I wasn't upset yet at this point. I felt confined and ill though. One of those guys left, which made it better. But the other guy was showing Regina how to fix a mistake because she had made one. Well, in fixing her mistake, he made an even bigger one that I could not fix without calling the owner! And when we found out his mistake, it was long after he had left. I was so mad at him! So he not only screwed up, but taught Regina wrong! I could freaking do the guy's job! I just don't have any patience right now for stupid mistakes. I have to be very civil tomorrow since he is coming back. But I have learned how to be civil anyway because of people I work with (one of whom by the way is not only smoking while pregnant but drinking too!). I fear though it is getting harder and harder to be civil...
And another thing! I AM NOT HELPLESS! If I hear "you don't need to be doing that" one more time I will flip out. Also, if you don't want me to be doing it, then effing react! Sure that dog was a DOA, but we didn't know that at the time. And yes, I hesitated - and RVT was standing there. She really should have been the one to asses the dog's condition. But she didn't move (because she was acting as office manager at that time? Or because she was in her nice silk shirt?), so I did. Sometimes time is a factor as to whether an animal lives or dies. So it's not like I didn't give her (or another receptionist) a chance to get her first. Lets see if we get a memo about it. Oh and thanks to my informant for letting me know...
Oh well, something good about today....
There has to be something good about today!
I know! The bird! Calypso! Cool bird! It was a blue and gold macaw. Must be the biggest and coolest bird I have encountered in my career (domestic anyway-we have had certain wild raptors come through). It would say "What does a rooster say?" and you were supposed to crow. But I wouldn't crow, even being a Peter Pan fan. Thinking now, not sure why I wouldn't. But when I asked it what a rooster says, he crowed! He was really neat, I couldn't get enough. Oh and here is a picture of what it looked like!
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