Sunday, September 14, 2008

No updates

Sorry for no updates within the last two days.  I haven't even really be on the computer.  In a funk, really, thinking about Chattanooga, old friends, among other things.  I have a couple of girls here I consider friends but we are all so busy.
When I was in Chatty I had a friend that I would see almost every day.  In our downtime, after work, or whatnot, we'd just hang out, play video games, whatever.  I really miss that.
There is an old friend who lives right down the street from me now.  I never hear from him, never see him.  True he doesn't have a car, but still!  He is busy as well and has his own life to tend to.
Gee I am whiney.  Blah.
I am going back to cleaning/knitting/reading/whatever...

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