Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New things suck

Sometimes anyway.
We have installed a new system at work and so far I have had to fix it just about every day we've had it!!!  It is so frustrating.  And exhausting because I feel like I have been baby sitting again, except this time it's both a person AND a computer!  I almost feel like I really am needing an eye in the back of my head.  "Now don't you do that!"  "Stop that!"  "Don't do that, do this!"  GAH!  I am so tired!  Don't get me wrong, she is a big help answering the phones and such and the new system is better with credit cards (if we input the correct total) but certain things just bug me.
To other things, we now have our Hound Dog back so he needs a home people!  He really is the sweetest man!  Good with children!  He isn't on yet, but our (meaning Rincon's Unwanted Furry Friends) site does have the kitties we sponsor right now.

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